The Idea

JPro learned from a survey of over 1,000 people that professionals were eager for access to advising. Good advice can come from anywhere, but our sector has its special opportunities and challenges. Our advisors are not just smart, accomplished professionals; they are also able to draw on the well of Jewish tradition to provide nourishing, creative, and nuanced ideas for your consideration. You can read more of the WellAdvised origin story in this article.

The Process

You realize you’d like some great advice from someone wise and accomplished in the Jewish nonprofit sector – someone who’s been there, can relate to your situation, and can provide thoughtful, personal guidance.

  • Browse our list of topics to find the one that best matches your situation
  • Scan our WellAdvisors to check if there’s anyone you need to rule out based on a pre-existing relationship or other conflict
  • Sign up! (Don’t forget to thoughtfully answer the two “intake questions” – those allow you and your advisor to jump right in with clarifying questions and helpful ideas, rather than spending your time together setting the scene and giving background information.)
  • We assign your advisor and you schedule your session; and then you have your one-hour WellAdvised session over Zoom!
  • After the session, we’ll ask you to do a quick evaluation to let us know how we’re doing, and you may have one follow-up email exchange with your advisor to check in.

Recent Changes

WellAdvised has made several changes since launching in 2018. Most recently, JPro did a deep dive into WellAdvised from a Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice perspective. We added information about advisors like their pronouns, their LinkedIn pages, and sometimes insight into their sexual orientations and family life to make it easier to learn more about them and reflect JPro’s Core Value of Access. We want to make sure that you know that WellAdvised is for you, no matter your background or identity. If you have any feedback of other things we could do to help you know this program is for you, be in touch at