Gather with colleagues from across the Jewish nonprofit sector.
Leading Edge presents JPro25 in partnership with Jewish Federations of North America.
Get to know other Jewish communal professionals in your area.
Connect with Jewish nonprofit leaders for expert advice.
Learn from leaders from within and beyond the Jewish nonprofit sector.
Experience the workshops from Leading Edge presents JPro25 in partnership with Jewish Federations of North America after the conference ends.
Advance your professional skills through best-in-class trainings.
Learn the basics of effective management to ensure your team gets great results.
JPro awards date back to the 1970s and recognize exemplary talent in the Jewish nonprofit sector. Over the last several decades, dozens of award winners have inspired the field in leadership roles. JPro awards include The Ben Mandelkorn Distinguished Service Award, The Bernard Rodkin Professional Development Israel Fellowship, and the Young Professional Award.
We are thrilled to announce the 2022 Young Professional Award winners and the Mandelkorn Award winner. These inspiring professionals were celebrated and honored at JPro22: Going Places, Together, in partnership with Jewish Federations of North America. Please follow the links to learn more about our exceptional award recipients.
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