Logic models are a vital tool to help program providers, funders and evaluators gain clarity on the why, what, how and “so what” of a program. They show the series of connections--or logical relationships--that are expected to lead to a program’s desired results over time. For this reason, they are often a key component in a grant writing or a reporting process. Do you know what you need to know to develop and present an informed and informative logic model for your programs?
By the end of this two-hour introductory workshop you will:
- understand the concept of a logic model and how it can inform program planning, implementation, and evaluation
- Understand the components of a logic model, including inputs, activities, outputs and outcomes
- Get hands on practice building a logic model
This class is for you if you are:
- a program provider who wants to improve their program design and implementation
- a grant writer who wants to improve their proposals and get better at articulating a program’s outputs on outcomes
- a funder or philanthropy professional who wants to get better at evaluating grantee proposals and reports
** New! "Spotlight" Master Classes are one-session deep dives on a specific topic. Let us know your thoughts on this new format! **