- All
- Alabama
- Alberta
- Arizona
- British Columbia
- California
- Colorado
- Connecticut
- D.C.
- DC
- Delaware
- Florida
- Georgia
- Idaho
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kansas
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Maine
- Manitoba
- Maryland
- Massachuse
- Massachusetts
- Michigan
- Minnesota
- Missouri
- Nebraska
- Nevada
- New Jersey
- New York
- North Carolina
- Nova Scotia
- Ohio
- Ontario
- Oregon
- Pennsylvania
- Quebec
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington
- Wisconsin
- All
- Agawam
- Akron
- Albany
- Alexandria
- Allentown
- Amherst
- Ann Arbor
- Atlanta
- Austin
- Baltimore
- Beachwood
- Bennington
- Berkeley
- Bethesda
- Birmingham
- Bloomfield Hills
- Boca Raton
- Boise
- Boston
- Boulder
- Brooklyn
- Calgary
- Centerville
- Champaign
- Charlotte
- Chevy Chase
- Chicago
- Cincinnati
- Cleveland
- College Park
- Columbus
- Cooper City
- Dallas
- Davie
- Denver
- Edmonton
- Elkins Park
- Encinitas
- Encino
- Evanston
- Farmington Hills
- Framingham
- Greensboro
- Halifax
- Hamilton
- Houston
- Huntington
- Irvine
- Jacksonville
- Jamesville
- Jenkintown
- Keizer
- La Jolla
- Lakewood
- Las Vegas
- Lexington
- London
- Long Beach
- Los Angeles
- Louisville
- Malibu
- Metairie
- Miami
- Milwaukee
- Minneapolis
- Montreal
- Naples
- Nashville
- New Albany
- New York
- Newburgh
- Newport News
- Newton
- North Bethesda
- North York
- Northampton
- Northbrook
- Northfield
- Northhampton
- Omaha
- Ottawa
- Overland Park
- Owings Mills
- Oxford
- Paradise Valley
- Paramus
- Peoria
- Pepper Pike
- Philadelphia
- Phoenix
- Pittsburgh
- Pittsfield
- Portland
- Quincy
- Randallstown
- Reisterstown
- Rockville
- San Antonio
- San Francisco
- San Francisco Bay Area
- Sandy Springs
- Scarsdale
- Seattle
- Sharon
- Shreveport
- Skokie
- South Bend
- Southfield
- St. Louis
- St. Louis MO
- St. Paul
- Stamford
- Teaneck
- Toledo
- Toronto
- Towson
- Vancouver
- Waltham
- Washington
- Waterville
- West Bloomfield Township
- West Palm Beach
- Westfield
- Whippany
- Willowdale
- Wilmington
- Windsor
- Winnipeg
- Wyncote
- Youngstown


A More Perfect Union: The Jewish Partnership for Democracy


Adartova Consulting LLC

Adas Israel Congregation

American Conference of Cantors, Inc.

American Friends of ALYN Hospital

American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee

American Jewish World Service

American Technion Society

Ammud: The Jews of Color Torah Academy

Anti Defamation League

Association of Reform Jewish Educators

At The Well

Atlantic Jewish Council

Atra: Center for Rabbinic Innovation

Aviv Foundation


Baltimore Hebrew Institute at Towson University

Baltimore Jewish Council



Bellefaire JCB

Beth El Congregation

Beth El Hebrew Congregation

Beth Sholom Synagogue

Beth Tikvah Synagogue

Birmingham Jewish Federation

Bolton Street Synagogue

Boulder JCC


CAJE-Miami: Center for the Advancement of Jewish Education

Calgary Jewish Federation

Camp Livingston

CASJE: Collaborative for Applied Studies in Jewish Education

Center for Small Town Jewish Life at Colby College

CHAI: Comprehensive Housing Assistance, Inc.

Champaign-Urbana Jewish Federation


Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies

Chizuk Amuno Congregation and Schools

Cincinnati Hebrew Day School

Cincinnati Hillel

Circle of Service Foundation


Classrooms Without Borders

Combined Jewish Philanthropies

Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

Congregation B’nai Israel and Abundance Farm

Congregation Beth El

Congregation Beth El

Congregation Beth Sholom – Chevra Shas

Congregation Emanu-El of the City of New York

Congregation Har HaShem

Congregation Rodeph Sholom

David Posnack JCC

Diller Teen Awards

Dolgin Leadership Group




Federation CJA


Friends of United Hatzalah of Israel

Gateways: Access to Jewish Education

Gather Consulting

Gender Equity in Hiring Project

Goucher Hillel

Greater Miami Jewish Federation


Haberman Institute for Jewish Studies


Hadassah, The Women’s Zionist Organization of America

Hamilton Jewish Federation

Harold Grinspoon Foundation

Harry and Rose Samson Family Jewish Community Center

Hava NaBaby

Hebrew at the Center

Hebrew Free Loan Society

Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion

Helen Diller Institute for Jewish Law and Israel Studies

Hillel at Miami University

Hillel International

Hillel of Greater MetroWest


Honeymoon Israel

Hopkins Hillel

Hornstein Jewish Professional Leadership Program



Institute for Holocaust Education

Institute for Jewish Spirituality

Israel on Campus Coalition

Israel Policy Forum

J Street

Jacksonville Jewish Center


JCC Association of North America

JCC Chicago

JCRC of Greater Boston

JCRC of Greater Washington

Jewfolk, Inc.

Jewish Akron

Jewish Cemeteries of Greater Cincinnati

Jewish Child and Family Services of Chicago

Jewish Communal Leadership Program

Jewish Community Center of Greater Baltimore

Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh

Jewish Community Center of Metropolitan Detroit

Jewish Community Center of Omaha

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Jewish Community of Amherst

Jewish Community of Louisville

Jewish Community Relations Council of Omaha

Jewish Community Services of Baltimore

Jewish Democratic Council of America

Jewish Education Center of Cleveland

Jewish Educational Services

Jewish Family and Community Services Pittsburgh

Jewish Family Service of Omaha

Jewish Family Service, Cincinnati

Jewish Family Services of Vancouver

Jewish Farmer Network

Jewish Federation and Foundation of Greater Toledo

Jewish Federation Los Angeles

Jewish Federation of Broward County

Jewish Federation of Cincinnati

Jewish Federation of Cleveland

Jewish Federation of Delaware

Jewish Federation of Edmonton

Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor

Jewish Federation of Greater Charlotte

Jewish Federation of Greater Dallas

Jewish Federation of Greater Dayton

Jewish Federation of Greater Hartford

Jewish Federation of Greater Houston

Jewish Federation of Greater Kansas City

Jewish Federation of Greater MetroWest NJ

Jewish Federation of Greater Naples

Jewish Federation of Greater Nashville

Jewish Federation of Greater New Orleans

Jewish Federation of Greater Orange County

Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia

Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh

Jewish Federation of Greater Portland

Jewish Federation of Greater Seattle

Jewish Federation of Greater Vancouver

Jewish Federation of Greater Washington

Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York

Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey

Jewish Federation of Omaha

Jewish Federation of Orange County

Jewish Federation of Ottawa

Jewish Federation of Palm Beach County

Jewish Federation of Peoria

Jewish Federation of San Antonio

Jewish Federation of South Palm Beach County

Jewish Federation of St. Joseph Valley

Jewish Federation of St. Louis

Jewish Federation of the Berkshires

Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass

Jewish Federation of the Lehigh Valley

Jewish Federation of Victoria & Vancouver Island

Jewish Federation of Winnipeg

Jewish Federations of Canada – UIA

Jewish Federations of North America

Jewish Fertility Foundation

Jewish Foundation of Cincinnati

Jewish Foundation of Greensboro

Jewish Free Loan Chicago

Jewish Funders Network

Jewish Grandparents Network

Jewish Learning Collaborative

Jewish Learning Venture

Jewish Long Beach

Jewish Museum of Maryland

Jewish Nevada

Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance

Jewish Social Justice Roundtable

Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago

Jewish Women International



Jews of Color Initiative

JIAS Toronto

Jim Joseph Foundation



JOIN for Justice

Judaism Unbound

JVS Career Services, Cincinnati

Kaplen JCC on the Palisades

Kavod v’Nichum


Keshet Disabilities and Inclusion


Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute

Lawrence Family Jewish Community Center/San Diego Center for Jewish Culture

Leading Edge


Leichtag Foundation

LEV Children’s Museum

Limmud North America

Lippman Kanfer Foundation for Living Torah

London Jewish Federation

M²: The Institute for Experiential Jewish Education

Macks Center for Jewish Connections

Maimonides Fund

Makom Community

Mandel Institute for Nonprofit Leadership

Mandel Jewish Community Center of Cleveland

Maryland Hillel

Masa Israel Journey

Matan Inc.

Max M. & Marjorie S. Fisher Foundation

Mayerson JCC of Cincinnati

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Meeting Your Mission

Mem Global

Milwaukee Jewish Federation

Minneapolis Jewish Federation

Mitsui Collective

Modern JewISH Couples

Moving Traditions

Na’aleh: The Hub for Leadership Learning


Nancy & David Wolf Holocaust & Humanity Center

Natan Fund

National Association of Temple Administrators

National Council of Jewish Women

NECHAMA – Jewish Response to Disaster

Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies

NJY Camps

North Louisiana Jewish Federation

Northwestern Hillel



One8 Foundation


Organization for the Resolution of Agunot (ORA)

ORT America

Prizmah: Center for Jewish Day Schools

Project Shema

R&R: The Rest of Our Lives

Reconstructing Judaism


Reform Congregation Keneseth Israel


Repair the World

Rockwern Academy


Rose Blumkin Jewish Home

Rosov Consulting

Sacred Spaces

SAMi: Sephardic American Mizrahi Initiative


Shalom Austin

Shalom Hartman Institute of North America

Shalom Institute


Shomer Collective

Sister to Sister

Sixth & I

Soloway Jewish Community Center

Spertus Institute for Jewish Learning and Leadership

SRE Network

St. Paul Jewish Federation



Temple Beth El

Temple Chai

Temple Emanu-El of Westfield

Temple Israel

Temple Jeremiah

Temple Shalom

Temple Solel

The Associated: Jewish Federation of Baltimore

The Birmingham Jewish Federation

The Board of Jewish Education

The Bronfman Fellowship

The Centre For Israel and Jewish Affairs

The Covenant Foundation

The Efshar Project

The Forward

The Hadassah Foundation

The Harry and Jeanette Weinberg Foundation

The iCenter

The Jewish Agency for Israel

The Jewish Education Project

The Jewish Press

The Morris and Rosalind Goodman Family Foundation

The Ronald S. Lauder Impact Initiative

The Sephardic Foundation on Aging

The Shapira Foundation

The St. Louis Jewish Light

The Temple Congregation Ohabai Sholom

The Wexner Foundation

The Zalik Foundation

The Zekelman Holocaust Center

Third Space at Shaarei Tfiloh

Tivnu: Building Justice

Tkiya Music

Towson University Hillel

Tribe 12


UJA Federation of Greater Toronto

UJA Federation of New York

UMBC Hillel

United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula

United Jewish Federation of Stamford, New Canaan, and Darien

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism


Valley Beth Shalom Synagogue

Westchester Reform Temple

William Davidson Foundation

Windsor Jewish Federation

Youngstown Area Jewish Federation